The men quickly herded cattle into the Alamo and scrounged for food in some of the recently abandoned houses.
The police quickly herded them into buses and took them away.
She was so absorbed that she didn't notice when Janisse's ice cream started dripping down her arm, I quickly herded the girls to the water fountain, where I did my best to clean them up.
She quickly herded the kids into the elevator.
The priests quickly herded Halloran and Martine toward the pyramid.
The men quickly herded cattle in the Alamo and scrounged for food in nearby houses.
The inmates quickly herded the guards into the lavatory, along with a civilian mail-sorter, and locked them in.
Eddy quickly herded the milling crowd away from the setup.
The family apparently awoke to thick black smoke and flames engulfing the lower story of their home on Tuesday morning, so mother Temeka Wilson quickly herded Tatiana's four younger sisters and 10-year-old brother to a second-story window overlooking a lower level of the roof.
As they rushed to the Alamo, Texians quickly herded cattle into the complex and scrounged for food in nearby houses.