The man was quickly hustled out of the door.
Roger'd been very surprised and had quickly hustled her out of the stables.
Strauberg whispered something to one of the guards and soon the girls were quickly hustled away.
Morand's attack was a success and the Russians were quickly hustled out of their positions on the east bank.
The workers were quickly hustled into white uniforms with tall white hats.
I was hustled quickly away from the still-seated people and put back in the boat.
The former candidate had to be hustled quickly into the Montazeri compound.
The shoe landed on stage a few feet from the premier and the protester was quickly hustled away by security guards.
When the U. S. government learned of this, the project was quickly hustled down the corridors of bureaucracy and out onto the ice.
No punches were thrown at Steele, who was quickly hustled out of the ring by Mirage security men.