General Trimack held the reins to the muscular horse while Richard quickly lashed his things to the saddle.
Controlling the two schlusses independently was almost impossible, so he quickly lashed them together with magic, both front and back, giving each a little leeway.
The bobcat was weak but quickly lashed its paw and claws at Tyke.
Quickly lashing their ropes to anchor points on the vehicles, the team rappelled down the mountain to the crash site.
There were ropes up here, fastened to the frame plates of the tank, and he quickly lashed one around his waist to keep his position.
The platform blocking the shaft was quite a crude thing, of beams and plates lashed quickly together, roughly welded.
Daifreize quickly lashed the Cogzal to a tree and bounded ashore.
After the accident, emergency crews quickly lashed the boom to the building.
Hunter quickly lashed his rope to one of the trees inside the corral.
Together they quickly lashed Rakio's hands behind him, then heaved him across the first warrior's saddlebow.