Somebody thrust the butt of a harpoon gun into Snow's gut, and he quickly looped the strap over his shoulder.
Steve kept thrashing, but Wayne pulled the rope tight and quickly looped it around a small tree trunk.
But Nayyib caught the cheekstrap of his bridle, quickly looped the rein around his nose, then through bit shanks, and pulled it taut.
He quickly looped the string over them, then thrust his own fingers in and moved them rapidly.
Bolan took that, quickly looping the belt around his own waist.
He quickly looped it around Brian's chest and shoulders, fashioning a harness of sorts.
The snake quickly looped its massive coils around Gaea.
Once convinced that no enemies lurked down that way, they quickly looped about the blackness globe, heading for the narrow opening between the sphere and the entryway farther along the main corridor.
Giving the bindings one last yank to make sure they were tight, he quickly looped the second strap and slipped it over Bartels's feet.
He quickly looped the wire over her neck.