A few polite coughs were quickly muffled.
He swung away toward the window, and Kyria let out a noise of protest, quickly muffled.
Even the shouts and curses from shipboard were quickly muffled in that thick fog.
Now a silence descended over the room, so intense that a cough was quickly muffled.
Occasionally a horse snorted, or metal jingled and was quickly muffled.
There was a snigger of laughter from someone near the piano, quickly muffled as the woman turned and stared in that direction.
There was a sudden silence, broken by a wild whoop of laughter from someone in the back of the room, quickly muffled.
Her laugh burst out, then was quickly muffled by her hand.
There was a sound like a wail, quickly muffled.
A dog began to bark, the sound quickly muffled by a hubbub of voices.