The men of the mines, seeing their families free, quickly overpowered the guards and began running toward the courtyard!
Tang continues fighting but is quickly overpowered by the Master.
The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.
In the cave where the dragon resides, they fight him but are quickly overpowered.
She quickly overpowered them and escaped with her allies.
He is quickly overpowered and led away with Nearco.
Nowak sees Stan and tries to fight, but is quickly overpowered.
But the meaning of what she'd said, and the kicking in of old instincts he'd thought long dead, quickly overpowered the feeling.
As Washington was led into the courtroom, one audience member pointed a gun at him, but was quickly overpowered.
The idea was to quickly overpower any resistance, make the airfield safe for transports.