Its fleeces quickly parted to reveal a sun whose golden rays were dimmed by the glare of the star's ferociously mischievous grin.
The band quickly parted ways with Warner Bros. and decided it was time to go back to the basics.
Seeing an opportunity that he knew he could not pass up, he quickly parted ways with his former band to audition.
Morning clouds parted quickly the next day and we heard to expect the Otter to arrive by 10:30 AM.
The officers around Murdan's chair parted quickly to allow Tom to move to the front, helped by a gentle shove disguised as an encouraging pat.
And now, the crowd parted quickly to let him through, and he reached the foot of the pyre.
Morgan quickly parted her hair in the middle and combed it straight.
The people in the lobby quickly parted to permit the giant's passage.
They quickly parted company.
The soft, slick lips parted quickly before his entry.