I quickly perceived the outlines of a human figure.
He quickly perceived how I had been employed, and betrayed some solicitude respecting the condition of my mind.
On the first such encounter, Noah Fawley quickly perceived that these people were surely not representatives of the Crown.
This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and for locating a term alphabetically to determine its relative prominence.
"We were both in our ways manipulative people, perceiving quickly the emotions of others and able instinctively to play with them," he writes.
But I quickly perceived my error.
He'll quickly perceive what counsel is trying to do.
"Hold on," I said, breathless not from walking fast but perceiving quickly.
As Worsel saw them now first-hand, he quickly perceived them in depth.
She scrapped that particular fantasy soon after the plane landed, for she quickly perceived that Corvaisis' heart was already claimed.