While a traditional line might take days to tear up and rearrange, these units can be reconfigured quickly, as production expands and shrinks.
Next to Jeffrey, Bell quickly reconfigured their screen displays.
In order to circumvent the restraining order, Vee-Jay quickly reconfigured Introducing... The Beatles.
He quickly reconfigured the large supercockpit screen so they could see both the missile's-eye view and a God's-eye view at the same time.
She quickly reconfigured the twin engines and transferred power.
I didn't want to have to climb up in the ceiling to replace the WAP, so I quickly reconfigured it back to its formerly secure state.
Without an album, the group quickly reconfigured and began work on their project, No Weak Heart Shall Prosper.
The history of the business goes back to 1924 which was when Hermann Graber, then aged 21, took over his father's wheel making business and quickly reconfigured it for the production of car bodies.
She took the slate, tapped its surface and quickly reconfigured the display.