Tested was quickly redesigned and rebranded as Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage's personal website.
Bard, based in Murray Hill, N.J., quickly redesigned the product and resumed shipping, but the Food and Drug Administration recalled the catheter for further scrutiny.
"Industry is willing to provide such products, and emerging technologies make it possible to quickly redesign animals and redesign foods from animals."
THIRTY-ONE The Voyager rushed past the Enterprise at one-quarter impulse, throwing all her firepower on the one section above the aft hull that Scott had identified as a potential weak point in her force field pattern - one that Starfleet had recently identified and was quickly redesigning.
Handbuilt and resultantly expensive at USD10,000 on launch, the quickly redesigned 1959 MkIII was cheaper at $6,000, mostly because it recycled Lincoln parts and technology.
It might have been possible to quickly redesign the span using a more conventional cable stayed design, for which the construction methods and costs are well understood but the cost of the resultant delay was likely to exceed any potential savings.
It was redesigned quickly.
Roy Brown became the graphic artist for the show; he and Thomas quickly redesigned the Garfield puppet.
In response, Transmeta quickly redesigned its technology and produced the Efficeon processor.
It was introduced as a "big box" expandable variant of the Amiga 1000 but quickly redesigned to share most of its electronic components with the contemporary Amiga 500 for cost reduction.