Beautiful and awe inspiring, certainly, but Janeway quickly redirected her attention to more practical matters.
When she raught me looking, she quickly redirected her gaze to the floor and conjured up an expression of steely determination.
She almost lost her composure at the sight, but quickly redirected her pain into cold anger at Dumont and Lond.
Faht Bey quickly redirected them into an emergency damage and rescue operation.
"I wonder if Tanegli's having any luck with those fruiting trees," she said, quickly redirecting the conversation.
The car did a little fishtail as he quickly redirected his attention to the road.
Then he raised his face and, still crouched, looked straight into the light; Katsaris quickly redirected the beam, so as not to dazzle him.
Finlay's feud, however, would quickly redirect to Kane after Finlay spilled coffee on him.
In particular, we should quickly redirect public investment by means of public borrowing, significant public borrowing.
Anne sat stiff, clenched her jaw, and looked nowhere but at the lawyer, who quickly redirected the discussion.