He quickly regrouped and held himself up straight once more.
But they regrouped quickly and launched a fresh attack under the cover of an artillery barrage.
The engineers regrouped quickly, devising an ingenious plan to help determine the true bottom of the river.
The citizens, many of whom had occupied their land for more than 100 years, quickly regrouped and rebuilt.
Can the Pacers regroup quickly and do the improbable?
Turner had to quickly regroup in the warm up area as he was required to follow himself which allowed two minutes on the competition clock.
But to snap, there must be some alternative banner under which the population can quickly regroup.
But if capitalism does not produce acceptable results, there simply isn't any alternative system under which the people can quickly regroup.
It won't last long, they'll regroup quickly, Carlos will make sure of that.
Meanwhile, he will have to regroup quickly and play far better than he did today.