Cards can be bought and quickly resold, or held indefinitely.
About 2,000 people did, Meadowlands officials said, but the tickets, which cost $30 each, were quickly resold.
And these apartments were all quickly resold by the developer at negotiated prices.
"They like these, they're easy to transport and are quickly resold back home," explains the trader.
Flipping is buying an under priced property and then quickly reselling it at market value.
Yet the Dolans had insisted that they would not buy the company and then quickly resell it at a profit.
But he has spent several months of this year buying and quickly reselling shares of companies offering stock to the public for the first time.
They bought it for $772,500 and quickly resold it for $1 million.
In these deals, the institution would buy a stock on the day its shareholders were entitled to dividends, and then quickly resell it.
But the investor might hold the stock, and instead borrow 500 shares of Microsoft and quickly resell them.