It was quickly scrapped and replaced by the Combat Action Badge.
He predicted that the referendum idea will soon fade; the President's proposal four months ago for a broader economic referendum was quickly scrapped.
The navigational trainers were retired in April 1959 and most were quickly scrapped.
However, the daily deals and separate Places option were quickly scrapped.
However, the idea was quickly scrapped because it would interfere with the attraction's placement in the Star Wars timeline.
Those plans were quickly scrapped and as of 2008, no other power plants have been constructed in Dane County.
When other members raised the specter of busboys on the squash courts, the idea was quickly scrapped.
All six units were withdrawn during 1985-1986, and most cars were quickly scrapped.
DH 25 was recoded to Z, the quickly scrapped in 1911.
Tour supporting the release of Untouchables in 2002, but was quickly scrapped due to difficulties in performing it live.