Complaints of sexual abuse, ranging from fondling to rape, quickly surfaced against him, but no action was taken.
A similar action taken by the Padres against one reporter in 1984 collapsed as opposition among the players themselves quickly surfaced and division spread.
Conflicting accounts of the details of the case quickly surfaced.
It surfaced quickly at the block parties in the South Bronx where hip-hop was being born.
Following the vinyl release a number of MP3 versions quickly surfaced on the web.
The I-17 surfaced quickly five minutes later with the bow exiting at a steep angle.
The road was not hard surfaced and quickly became a sea of mud so deep that the house fronts were completely covered in it.
Reports surfaced quickly that some of the young marshals were bullying people, particularly white journalists who had been invited to cover the city.
Although she only had a minor supporting role in the series, film opportunities quickly surfaced.
A dispute quickly surfaced between the two teams about Johnson and his rights.