The 'sale' initially attracted celebratory headlines but these were quickly tempered by reports that both the owner and the auctioneer had been forced to travel to China in pursuit of payment.
Yet our celebrations were quickly tempered by concern about the odds for this fragile ball of down.
This excitement was quickly tempered when Hummel re-tore his ACL on the first practice of the season, sidelining him for its duration once again.
Any romanticised impressions I may have had of the East End were quickly tempered if not dispelled by the striking images of endemic poverty and a sclerotic political culture.
His joy at seeing his mother's ship was quickly tempered when he noticed more debris, oddly flickering running lights, and the craft's stricken appearance.
Her sudden excitement was quickly tempered by the misery in her father's face.
His youthful dreams of the glory of being a soldier were quickly tempered by the reality.
Euphoria over winning the 1999 Women's World Cup was quickly tempered for the Americans by a coaching change and a contract dispute with the United States Soccer Federation.
Anger by Prussia at this trespass was quickly tempered by the results of Austerlitz, and a convention of continued peace with France was signed two weeks after that battle at Schönbrunn.
But his visceral hostility toward Democrats generally was quickly tempered by his tendency to see people as individuals and judge them that way.