Only pausing to draw one long breath of relief, Inga quickly traversed the crooked corridor that led to the last cavern of the three.
He quickly traversed through the lower level of the town house.
With sure and steady strides in the moonlit darkness, she quickly traversed one of the gardens surrounding her home.
All this was done in an electronic microsecond, while the laser turret traversed quickly, but not fast enough, and the pole slammed into the Ranger.
Stages feature ramps, corridors, and other obstacles that hinder the player from quickly traversing them.
He quickly traverses the sea on a xylophone boat to meet her.
Then he felt a kind of rippling shock, passing from her hand through his, and quickly traversing his body.
Within hyperspace, the speed of light is not a limiting factor and thus cannot prevent the starship from quickly traversing intergalactic distances.
She quickly traversed it and opened the next door.
Afraid by the exposure of moving around the lip of the crater against the sky, the men traversed quickly and timidly.