These two beach towns offer quiet, rustic alternatives to Puerto Vallarta.
They provide an economical, quiet and pollution-free alternative to diesel terminal tractors.
From the outside, murder looked like a quiet, sensible alternative to divorce.
Be2 prepares to castle kingside and is a quieter alternative compared to 6.
The town developed on the back of tourist seeking a quieter alternative to the overdeveloped Marmaris, many who return annually.
A quieter and more intimate alternative in the historic neighbourhood of Podil.
It is considered to be a quieter alternative to neighbouring Glebe, which shares many of its features.
Poisons offer a quiet alternative to things that go boom in the night and are well worth the effort it takes to accumulate and test them.
It is a great stopover for those looking for a quiet alternative to the jostling crowds of Darjeeling.
Port Bannatyne developed into the 20th century as a quieter alternative to Rothesay.