The quiet ambience of a church, perhaps, but he couldn't ask them to accompany him outside and go somewhere else.
He said he's proud of his customers, "people who enjoy the quiet ambience of working in the yard, exercising and sweating."
After a day in the office, even I felt the benefit of the quiet ambience.
But for many more, who take pride in the community's quaint, quiet ambience, it is disconcerting.
For many, the library was an away-from-home extension of the household, where a family member could read in a quiet, less cramped ambience.
Good Atmosphere - Stylish, understated modern decor on two floors of an old townhouse, with indirect lighting, neutral colors and quiet ambience.
Possibly because of its quiet ambience and residential character, Cambria Heights is often overlooked.
The city's first landmarked historic district, its quiet ambience suggests a backward trip in time.
Pitiful moaning, wails of agony, the hoarse exhortations of the suffering and the dying dispelled the quiet ambience she had always taken for granted.
Now undergoing renovation, four of the six units have been offered to renters from outside the seminary, and they offer an unusually quiet ambience.