He turned left where the couple had told him to and found himself the only pedestrian in quiet backstreets.
Three blocks south of the Constanza Bastion, the restaurant is an old house in a quiet backstreet with a leafy courtyard.
The back of Fairley's shop is just a quiet backstreet, so they got unloaded without any trouble.
On the quieter backstreets the Marshallese continue to live in family compounds, surrounded by flowers.
Although Fang may not look particularly inviting at first pass, the town's quiet backstreets are lined with some interesting little shops in wooden buildings.
There's outside seating in this quiet backstreet in the warmer months.
It's 4.30pm on a quiet backstreet of Killeen, Texas.
She reached the busy Jamaica Road and suddenly felt depressed as she hurried across and turned into a quiet backstreet which led to her home.
As our taxi pulled up in a quiet backstreet, I checked my watch.
From there, a quiet backstreet led to the rear entrance of her apartment block.