"I have a favor to ask of you," Clayton said with quiet firmness.
"I am not like other women," she said with quiet firmness.
'You have a slight fever, I think,' she replied with the quiet firmness she would have used towards any sick person.
No," she replied, with quiet firmness, "I know him; he took me in once before.
"Because it is my fancy to say the word," she replied with quiet firmness.
'There couldn't be someone less like my mum than Charlotte,' he says with quiet firmness.
Helen Rainer closed the door with quiet firmness and leaned back momentarily against it as if exhausted.
She smiled as if she were a teacher and he a pupil, then said with quiet firmness: "No, Andy.
Chase had responded with quiet firmness.
'We've told you everything we know,' Jimmy said with quiet firmness.