They ate, and Toli turned the horses out to graze in the sweet grass as evening gathered its long purple robes about the quiet glade.
Once we find a quiet glade, once night comes and the small creatures sleep - why, then we will find her.
It looked out one side of the ruin onto a quiet glade where lily flowers bloomed.
Its mighty roars thundered in the quiet glade, shaking the earth.
The quiet glade calmed him and the sweet cinnamony perfume of the forest soothed his overburdened senses.
In a moment the quiet green glade hummed with a gentle sound as Toll raised the ancient Jher song for the dead.
The quiet glade, the sun on the alders seemed suddenly menacing.
As shadows fell over the forest, the road entered a quiet glade, empty save for the ruins of an old stone cottage.
He'd led me from the amphitheatre; we were seated in a quiet glade.
The marker stands next to the "natural tombstone" in a quiet glade of pine trees.