He was stunned by the quiet grandeur of the interior space, sparingly lit by their flashlights.
Visitors are allowed in (except during services) between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to appreciate its quiet grandeur.
Norn's voice cut across the quiet grandeur of the court-yard.
"And yet it is through this modesty that he achieves a quiet grandeur," Mr. Bissoondath added.
Neither matches this watermark of quiet grandeur or strikes the same balance between lavishness and restraint.
Its "noble simplicity and quiet grandeur", as he described it, became one of the leading lights of neo-classicism and an icon of the Enlightenment.
The trip couldn't have been more timely for our 11-year-old, who having recently seen the Hollywood version of "Troy," was surprised by the quiet grandeur of the place.
American architects also wanted the buildings of the new republic to be breath-takingly beautiful while expressing a quiet, serene grandeur.
The new version is slower in every movement by a small amount, better played and recorded, and in this symphony especially, with its quiet grandeur, marginally more effective.
"Noble simplicity and quiet grandeur," as the historian Winckelmann put it.