He was a loner, quiet, enjoyed engineering and his weekends studying at the library.
But there is reason to believe that this quiet, methodical, pleasure-denying loner wasn't substantially different before these tragedies occurred.
Among his peers Stewart was known as a quiet loner with a very bad temper every now and then.
He is a quiet loner with a palpable sadness.
So you got a computer-nerd pro-Lifer, probably a Jesus- freak and definitely a stereotypical quiet loner - except he had company today.
Ethan Peck as Patrick Verona: also a junior, Patrick is a quiet, brooding loner who often gets into trouble.
Other professors also remembered him as a quiet loner, unusually dedicated to mathematics even by the standards of graduate students.
Mr. Kaczynski seemed to him to be a quiet loner who seemed "not that remarkable," even with his long brownish hair and beard.
Laurie, realizing her mother had been hurt, became a quiet loner, until one day, while on vacation, she suddenly became very popular due to the emergence of her power.
Ted Brigham, a quiet loner in rural Missouri, spells well because he likes to read.