This whimsical work evokes the mystique of Japan's ancient capital with quiet lyricism, impressionistic bursts of color and an energetic, almost jazzy outburst.
Indeed, there were moments when quiet lyricism came dangerously close to unintended tedium.
Savoldo's paintings show eclectic influences, using Venetian coloration with Lombard modeling to obtain a quiet lyricism.
In sustaining contrast is the lyricism, quiet yet immediate, of the small passages.
"Casualty" takes place during that war and is written with a quiet lyricism that derives much of its power from the implicit violence of its context.
Her great strengths are intimacy and a quiet thoughtful lyricism, qualities which are brutally crushed in the gargantuan industrial cavern of the Turbine Hall.
But he can also, despite his fondness for drums, subside into quiet lyricism.
The Sixth is well served also, from the agitated "danse macabre" of its second movement to the quiet lyricism with which the work closes.
The works here, made during an extended stay near Cannes, France, demonstrate Mr. Metzker's ability to combine an interest in formal issues with a quiet lyricism.
It is laid out on a larger scale than the others and gradually moves from quiet lyricism to full-ensemble chords before slowing down into a final coda.