Jontano traced the painted forest with his fingers, and he felt himself walking there, on quiet paths among the trees.
Then he sprinted away, picking a careful and quiet path that brought him right to the base of the mound.
Antonio Missere, a 54-year-old mason, said he comes often to walk along its quiet paths.
When he had finished weeding, Dewey strolled along the quiet paths.
You will lead me out of my own quiet path.
Or stroll along the river on the quiet path behind the aquarium.
But there are also all sorts of quiet paths for a solitary promenade, and places to be alone with art without feeling lonely.
"This shows that the quiet, slow, not-always-so-rewarding path I have chosen has been for something."
They found a quiet path along the river, checked to make sure there was nobody watching, and pitched the guns into a deep spot.
But after five minutes of walking along the quiet path, Gillbret grew restless.