The watchmen dived into a side alley, and then jinked and dodged along several others with quiet professionalism.
This is their real job and they do it with quiet professionalism, not calling attention to themselves with saccharine introductions or descriptions of the menu entries, ingredient by ingredient.
As will his quiet professionalism.
The pity is that Ms. Burton's extra step of quiet professionalism is unusual - the procedures still current in much of the nation's justice system would have led to the destruction of such evidence by now.
If anything, he had more in common with the eighth member of the group, Maurice Predergast, in his steady reserve and quiet professionalism.
The regiment also took part Operation Baytown, landings on the Italian mainland in September 1943, as well and were often called upon to support British infantry battalions based on their quiet professionalism.
She earned the acclaim of top film directors, including William Wyler, who called her the most promising actress he had directed, and Alfred Hitchcock, who admired her thorough preparation and quiet professionalism.
Much as he enjoyed the calm of his bridge and the quiet professionalism of his own crew, Picard nodded.
Rather than trying to reinterpret or modernize a well-known, cherished story, the filmmakers have rendered it with a quiet, unassuming professionalism.
In every aspect, from the austere design of the dining room to the pacing of the meal to the quiet professionalism of the staff, the focus at Jean-Georges Vongerichten's restaurant is on the food.