A sequel was announced by Digital Illusions in December 2000, for the PlayStation 2, only to be quietly cancelled less than two years later.
Shorty McShorts' Shorts was last shown in June 2007, before being quietly cancelled.
An Xbox version was also planned, but was quietly cancelled.
It was quietly cancelled and its main concept was developed into Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
The game's release in North America was quietly cancelled.
A Wii version was also announced, but was quietly cancelled and retooled into a new game called Family Fun Football.
The next week, an exhibition she had been planning was quietly cancelled.
An English patch was in the works, but was cancelled quietly due to the closure of the Korean version of the game.
In the face of sagging ratings, it was quietly cancelled, automatically being the shortest lived ABC sitcom of the season.
Neither book sold especially well, and the line was quietly cancelled.