Also featured here are quietly elegant pictures by Sam Mahl, a league member who died last year.
The presentation and installation are quietly elegant, which makes the positions of the hands seem all the more significant.
In red brick, with a rounded corner dropping back to the facade line of the row houses, this is a quietly elegant work.
Guest rooms are quietly elegant in subdued grays, whites and blues.
In clothing, he allowed Gollee to guide him, for the youth's own dress was quietly elegant and well made.
A quietly elegant temple of fine dining decorated with modern art and huge floral arrangements.
If he hadn't been there, she might have been able to enjoy the quietly elegant atmosphere.
He is a youngish gentleman whose clothes are quietly elegant.
For the moment, this quietly elegant and serene middle-aged woman said the only thing to do "is to be stoic."
Its exterior is simple, graceful and quietly elegant.