All of us conncected with the Foundation feel fortunate to have had the privilege of knowing and working with this collegial, quietly eloquent man.
It is always a treat to see the quietly eloquent Christopher Boatwright, whose silhouetted solo, "Herald," is a high point of "Sacred Text."
Mr. Bradley and the quietly eloquent Rosalynde LeBlanc draw near as hushed young lovers.
In yet another story of a character who radically redefines himself, he made the most touching and quietly eloquent film of the year.
The two ballerinas were lucky in their partner, the elegant and quietly eloquent Philip Neal, who established a welcome emotional rapport with Ms. Sylve.
But the dancing was timeless in its luminous, quietly eloquent appropriation of space.
Ms. Waters, a quietly eloquent former Ailey dancer, was chosen by Ailey to head the young group, develop performers and search out interesting new choreography.
Linda-Denise Evans nearly stole the show, however, with her quietly eloquent portrayal of an attendant angel in a lead cast completed by Duane Cyrus and an engagingly exuberant Mr. Rushing.
He was a quietly eloquent figurative painter who believed both in easel painting and in the new American art - Abstract Expressionism - which tried to leave easel painting behind.
Joyce SoHo Molissa Fenley and her quietly eloquent dancers created landscapes of fragile, mysterious beauty in two pieces performed on Saturday night.