But, according to the authorities, frustrated automobile drivers have been known to quietly endure the lastest inexplicable traffic tie-up aimed solely at them.
After quietly enduring the indignities, Fort Lee has decided to fight back.
In 1987 and 1989, he quietly endured numerous political attacks, hoping to avoid any ideological controversies that might destroy the chance to proceed with reform.
The play also examines the possible fault lines in a walker's friendship with a powerful society couple: what compromises are made, what slights quietly endured?
King has proven to be one of the toughest players on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, quietly enduring what at times has been intense lower back pain.
That means riders of the M23 will have to quietly endure for now.
Jules and his wife, Ann, still live with his parents, but Ann is quietly enduring the way that her opinionated mother-in-law Eva dominates the household.
In a subdued, slightly nasal voice, he read a proclamation on public safety and quietly endured a series of three-minute addresses from residents without interrupting anyone.
Honkala's mother quietly endured this abuse for fear of losing her kids.
He'd quietly endured Angela Rizzoli's hysterical sobs, Frank's demands for action.