And so they end embittered, bankrupt, fuming quietly in the movie lines because the price has been raised again.
The culprits sneak away, leaving others to quietly fume as they clean the mess.
Maia fumed quietly, craning to see any sign of movement ahead.
For a few seconds Jessamy sat there quietly fuming.
Angelo fumed quietly for a while, and then suddenly realized he was wasting an opportunity.
She was still quietly fuming about Felipe's remarks as dinner drew near, however, and he had put her in a very awkward position.
He entered it and fumed quietly as the 'lift made its quick, nonstop way to the bridge.
She'd been quietly fuming about for days, and like every other emotion she felt, she could only hold it in so long.
Harry moved to the centre of the room and fumed quietly, then approached the desk again.
Zak was quietly fuming at the lack of response from the Howe twins.