On 28 July 1963, the two stations quietly switched schedules, with 4QR becoming the local outlet for Brisbane while 4QG picked up the national schedule.
On the telephone, the leader of Catalonia quietly and easily switches from Spanish into French and English and back into Catalan.
On July 12, 2010, without fanfare, the strip quietly switched to straight re-runs of material from the 1980s.
In fact, that appears to be exactly what happened in the last 90 seconds or so of voting, when senators are free to approach the clerks and quietly switch sides.
One example is the recent decision by eBay, the online auction company, to quietly switch sides in a brewing dispute over how far copyright protection should extend to online databases.
He began, as his father wished, studying business, but quietly switched to music, finally with his father's support.
Last month, Gov. George E. Pataki quietly switched lawyers defending him in a lawsuit.
"Why would Energy quietly switch such a large sum of money to an agency concerned with marine science?"
The boy quickly and quietly switched his chair with the one Wish had been using.
When you leave, the iPaq quietly switches back to cellular, again without interrupting your Internet session.