The only morally and ethically valid option open to them is to quietly transfer the powers to Holyrood and stay out of it.
General Musharraf has changed the director of the agency and quietly transferred many of its hard-liners to different jobs.
Nancia quietly transferred the recording of the scene she'd just witnessed to an offline storage hedron.
If the price rose slightly, to perhaps $10.25 or $10.50, within a few hours, the men would quietly transfer the stock to the account of a favored client and sell it.
It differs from earlier efforts of church administrators to deny the offense, quietly transfer the offenders and safeguard the image of the church.
"Not nearly enough," he replied loudly, as he quietly transferred faithful Bucephalus from his right hand to his left.
After Jess leaves him for Zubin, he transfers quietly to neighbouring hospital St. James'.
"There you are wrong my lord," Diogenes retorted, and quietly transferred the jug to his other hand.
When he returned, I quietly transferred him to a noncombat unit.
In both cases, colleagues had their suspicions but did not report them; the drug dealers involved were arrested, and commanders quietly transferred the suspected officers to other precincts.