Television's quintessential form, the situation comedy, has responded to and teased this aspect of the medium.
Red Grooms has always worked big, making copies of New York landmarks and other quintessential American forms.
The narratives are often presented as diaries, that quintessential literary form of female adolescence.
The quintessential form of the latter type is taken to be the blues.
But in recent months some mortgage lenders have turned their backs on this quintessential form of New York City housing.
Modern art, Nietzsche wrote, is the art of tyrannizing, and never more so than in the 20th century's quintessential form, the cinema.
Political money today instead goes directly into political advertising, a quintessential form of political speech.
The city has allowed parades and street activities to take place in the same quintessential public form where the preaching takes place.
Tap is a quintessential multipurpose form.
Hence, money reveals itself to be the quintessential, rudimentary form of reified social power in capitalist society.