He is also fondly remembered and referred to for his quirky personality.
He has a quirky personality, according to several members of his team, and takes a certain amount of teasing inside the company.
Wayne - 5 days ago She's not only pretty with a lovely body, she has a cute quirky personality.
The man who spends more money on players than anyone in baseball history has a quirky economic personality.
"Cowgirls" is smart enough to give each member of the trio her own quirky personality.
Many episodes of the series focus on Black along with his quirky personality and issues.
Here are 10 signs that mood problems may be due to more than a quirky or difficult personality.
Loyalty, said Agassi, is a major component in his otherwise quirky personality.
He claims that the quirky personalities of the past inspired and attracted more listeners than those on the air today.
Do you find yourself baffled by your partner's opaque and quirky personality?