And she loves mirrors so I tried to put them in quirky places.
If you go there in the next couple of months, you will be amongst the last people ever to experience this unearthly, magical and quirky place.
It is a quirky, self-conscious place with strong but mysterious traditions.
Most tenants pride themselves on living in a quirky place that they restored on their own.
Known locally as Swakop, this is surely one of the quirkiest places on the continent.
"In any interesting community, the level of artwork bubbles up in quirky places," he said.
Completed 13 years ago, the small rundown park is the quirkiest public place in America's quirkiest city.
The Vanderbilt is a quirky and eclectic place, a wonderful space for creative people to gather.
But what many Parisians hesitate to mention are the quirky little places like the three below, which have become insider favorites.
A Map On the north side of town, this is a quirky place to catch a ceilidh.