It was about the quixotic attempt of a young state representative to counter the influence of lobbyists.
"Are you still risking your life in some quixotic attempt to overthrow the Alliance?"
For he wasn't just going to revisit his quixotic attempt to shed his Western skin.
The hiring of the Parking Angel may be the most quixotic attempt to hold on to shoppers with cars.
He may even be portraying his own quixotic attempt to master pop culture.
Leaders like that usually have ideals that enlist art in a sometimes quixotic attempt to transform society, not the other way around.
But there is nothing mysterious about Mr. Gorbachev's quixotic attempt at a second act.
In his quixotic attempt at democracy, Madero made the fatal error of failing to shoot his enemies before they shot him.
Now, after persuading a judge to let him withdraw his guilty plea, he is back in court, in a quixotic attempt to clear his name.
"And it appears to be wasting funds in a quixotic attempt to avoid compliance."