"Well," said Garfield, as though quoting Cicero, "a pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck."
He wrote in June, quoting Cicero, "When is there to be an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now?"
He often quotes Cicero, from whom he adopted the term "sensus communis".
In 1396, Coluccio Salutati, the chancellor of the University of Florence, invited him to come and teach Greek grammar and literature, quoting Cicero:
At 12:40 P.M., for the third time in a week, the judge quoted Cicero during sentencing: "Cicero once asked, 'What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth?' "
In discussing arrangement he quoted Cicero, "It is order that gives light to memory."
Strauss quotes Cicero: "The Republic does not bring to light the best possible regime but rather the nature of political things-the nature of the city."
Quoting Cicero, Mr. Goldwater, senator from Arizona, told the delegates that "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice," and that "moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue."
"If you are going to quote Cicero," Mayor Palmer retorted, "you should acknowledge that his opinions were considered so dangerous to society that he was assassinated shortly thereafter."
The rapporteur quoted Cicero, which is appropriate for a Member of Parliament.