Boston is now awash with conflicting versions of what happened and why, as each news organization freely quotes its own unnamed sources.
American classical composer Charles Ives freely quoted a wide variety of Foster's songs in many of his own works.
Computer manufacturers feared that any legislation allowing writers to quote freely from unpublished sources could also lead to piracy of their software material.
Democrats are freely quoting the Bible, as they did in a recent letter to President Bush.
In short, Jack, to go back to the old song I was freely quoting at dinner (and who knows old songs better than you?)
He never cracked a book, and he quoted freely and affectionately, from memory, from every piece of literature he taught.
Havelock Ellis quotes freely from his works.
They would quote freely from favorite texts, as Ms. Hazzard continues to do in the normal course of conversation.
The issue of copyright extension is also of particular concern to scholars who want the right to quote freely from copyrighted archival materials and letters.
Betteredge remains close to Collins's concept, freely quoting his favorite book, "Robinson Crusoe," to suit all exigencies.