Every poll bar one (the one you quote, of course) for the last few months shows majority opposition to these cuts.
I quote the case of my own area of the Wirral, again not because it is unique, but rather for the very opposite reason.
He quoted Hofstader: antitrust is 'a faded passion of reform.'
Western, US news sources quoted very critical of US situation.
She couldn't have been more than eighteen at the time and, to quote her husband, "of gentle size and strength."
Just wait to see them lambast you for quoting of all things---A Russian journalist!
You can quote me on that-anonymously, of course.
Mr President, I really do have to quote a great man of letters and say, 'alas, two souls dwell in my breast'.
I quote both of these figures from the organisation Children's Rights ().
But television reports quoted the police as saying they had found no remnants of chemicals or of containers.