The article quotes other scientists who challenge his proposal (even before it has been tested!!)
He quotes scientists who believe that many countries may have secret stashes of smallpox.
The Washington Post and The Journal-Constitution investigated the resulting turmoil, and they quoted disgruntled former senior scientists who said Dr. Gerberding's leadership was creating a crisis.
Last November, an article by this reporter in The New York Times quoted scientists who criticized the F.D.A. for approving the program at the meeting last August.
Ian Sample has already quoted eminent scientists to the effect that we'd all be "buggered" if the test results were to be replicated.
Thus on a regular basis, he quotes secular scientists in his Torah commentary.
Tass quoted eminent local scientists as confirming the incident.
Carolina Tiger Rescue tour guides often quote scientists: "There are probably more tigers alive in private hands in the state of Texas than in the wild worldwide."
Rather than simply quote dueling scientists, I settled on a referee.
You quote unnamed scientists as saying the dangers of intense ultraviolet radiation exposure are now under control but that the hazard is expected to increase sharply and that experts have begun the most comprehensive monitoring study of its kind.