Apart from his battered knees, Reid is a healthy-looking 48-year-old man with a dry sense of humor and a tendency to quote famous writers.
He relied heavily on the ancient oral traditions of the Arabs, but also quoted writers who had access to Biblical and Palmyran sources.
Though, oddly to some, he rarely if ever quotes recent (20th century) writers.
He quotes and paraphrases other writers, collects and includes whole texts by other authors, contributes running commentary, and also writes his own narrative.
I can only quote profane writers!
He also quotes writers like Ben Jonson and Pasternak, and again the allusion is literary.
The company issued a press release with this information, which quoted writers and artists and contained a false history of the character's 1960s creative origins.
Anders Breivik quoted writers such as Bernard Lewis and Melanie Phillips.
And he is forever quoting great or good writers, whether or not the quote advances the point he is making.
Writers on pop music often feel a need to quote writers like Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin to prove their chops as intellectuals.