"Young people are looking for an experience that is somewhat different from the quotidian reality," he said.
Like Nabokov, Banville captures the vivid aesthetic pleasures of quotidian reality in the most satisfying ways.
It is a way of pushing beyond the often grim quotidian reality.
Series, which are the medium's staple, rely on extension rather than compression, on the ebb and flow of quotidian reality rather than the peaks of heightened reality.
But in each Kauffman twists quotidian reality a few degrees to reveal unspoken depths of intensity and emotion.
They may yet grow arrogant, but for now they have settled into the more quotidian realities of day-to-day governing.
From those songs, however, a welter of fuzz-tone and feedback can erupt at any time, like a psychedelic disruption of quotidian reality.
"Like Nabokov, Banville captures the vivid aesthetic pleasures of quotidian reality in the most satisfying ways," Jim Shepard wrote here in 2001.
The artist is supposed to find a way into the realm of the imagination and, there, transmute messy quotidian reality into coherent sublime beauty.
Nevertheless, there are qualities specific to photography that might prove advantageous to the depiction of quotidian reality.