In the case of the death of a nasi (rabbinic leader of a religious academy).
Five geonim (rabbinic leaders of medieval Babylonian Jewry) were against while only one was in favor of reciting the prayer.
Thus the community's rabbinic leader, the forward-thinking Leon da Modena, ultimately gave Rossi's music his blessing.
They charge that Hynes fears political retaliation from the powerful rabbinic leaders and their bloc-voting Orthodox voters.
Program participants rehabilitated housing with Habitat for Humanity and learned about poverty from community experts and local rabbinic leaders.
Many key rabbinic leaders lived in Medzhybizh during the 17th through 20th centuries.
There were two fundamentally different rabbinic leaders in the town, those who were Hasidic and those who were not.
Many Shas members, and especially its rabbinic leaders, appear to feel that they have been humiliated by their public showdown with Mr. Barak's government.
In the 1870s the town selected Israel Stieglitz as its rabbinic leader.
American rabbinic leaders who have advanced a progressive political agenda grounded in Jewish principles have included: