In the rabbinic tradition, this verse takes on an entirely different and quite important meaning.
From a Biblical or rabbinic tradition there is no basis to accept this life style.
According to rabbinic tradition there are 613 commandments in the Torah.
The number thirteen is adopted from Talmudic and rabbinic tradition.
Another rabbinic tradition is that these two wealthy cities treated visitors in a sadistic fashion.
In Rabbinic tradition, he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe.
Singer was born in Poland and was expected to follow the family's rabbinic tradition, but he chose instead to become a writer.
Attempts have been made to reinterpret the historical evidence to agree with the Rabbinic tradition, however this approach to the discrepancy is problematic.
In rabbinic tradition, there are 70 tutelary angels called angels of presence.
In His image; the Jewish philosophy of man as expressed in rabbinic tradition.