He completed his rabbinical studies in 1973 and was elected chief rabbi of Rome in 2001.
Trained as a scribe, Rabbi Friedman began his rabbinical studies in 1919.
In addition to rabbinical studies under Jonathan Eybeschütz, he studied modern languages.
One reason for this growth is the increasing types of Jewish books, expanding well beyond rabbinical studies.
Rabbi Kaziyev, for example, was a geologist and a tailor before completing his rabbinical studies.
But he resumed his rabbinical studies in Berlin the following year.
A few young Jews have been promised permission to leave the country for rabbinical studies.
It has been more than 30 years since he gave up his rabbinical studies.
Anxious to continue his rabbinical studies, he went to Breslau.
He pursued a course of rabbinical studies and devoted, at the same time, much attention to modern languages and literatures.