Nevertheless, any rabbit breed with a maximum accepted weight of 4 pounds (1.81 kg) or less can be considered a dwarf rabbit.
New Zealand red rabbits is a rabbit breed, which despite the name, is American in origin.
The Champagne d'Argent is one of the oldest known rabbit breeds.
A Dwarf Hotot is a rabbit breed, characterized by an entirely white coat, except for a circle of another color around each eye.
Their small size, plush coat and friendly personalities make them one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the United States.
The Gabali is a rare rabbit breed which originates in Egypt.
The snowy coat of a New Zealand white rabbit is a normal length like other rabbit breed.
The diet of a New Zealand white rabbit is no different than for any of other rabbit breeds.
They are the only cylindrical rabbit breed.
Plush Lops are a relatively new rabbit breed.