There are still a number of club registries, the country's largest being the American Pigeon Racing Union, based in Oklahoma City.
New rules for becoming a professional, adopted by the United States Yacht Racing Union about two years ago, are far more lenient than old standards.
At their meeting in London, members of the International Yacht Racing Union agreed to a broad change in policy.
Known as outlaw events, they are not approved by the United States Yacht Racing Union, the sport's national federation, or the international union.
The sport's national authority, the United States Yacht Racing Union, has made the exception under new guidelines it approved last spring.
But in 1985, the International Yacht Racing Union relaxed its rules.
Sanctioned by the United States Yacht Racing Union, sailing's national authority, the center is expected to draw teams from the eight Olympic classes.
For a list of other seminars, telephone the United States Yacht Racing Union at (401) 849-5200.
Rolex and the United States Yacht Racing Union will not say how much they are spending.
Black is the former executive director of the United States Yacht Racing Union.