A number of these cars can still be seen racing successfully in Australia today.
The company also produced and successfully raced a number of its own car designs.
After racing successfully at three and four years of age he improved to become one of the world's leading racehorses as a five-year-old in 2011.
Other horses are incapable of racing successfully without the rider being in control.
Nyroca and Brigand were two yachts he built for himself and raced successfully.
They raced successfully for six years on a $10,000 stake, until the money ran out and then Hill started up a motorcycle shop.
The Paris Crew raced successfully until disbanding in 1876.
Pat Flaherty successfully raced pigeons for over twenty years after he retired from auto racing.
John Buffum successfully raced one as a rally car in the late 1970s.
They raced successfully at Southport until 1920.